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HOW to catch up with the shapes of your hats !


This hat is in pure wool.
To waterproof it, you address to a dyer or inform you with the ray “HARDWARE STORE” on the great surface in order to find a bomb waterproofing to do it by yourself.
According to the techniques and products' used, the treatment will be more or less durable.
You can modify or catch up with the shape of one hat using steam obtained starting from a domestic iron connected to a mini-power station vapor (NEVER NOT TO PASS BY AGAIN a HAT!) or failing this, starting from an ebullient water pan.
Strongly impregnate the vapor hat and give forms it to him desired (rectified edges, head mast widened, reformed cap etc…) await 5 mn by maintaining the new form, time that the vapor disappears. It IS FINISHES!
That supposes obviously that it remains enough of finish in wool of the hat, if it is not the case, addresses you to a dyer or informs you with the ray “HARDWARE STORE” on the great surface in order to find a bomb of finish for to prepare yourself your hat.

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